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Mortgage For Limited Company Director

For buying and remortgaging UK property

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Mortgage For Limited Company Director

We provide high quality mortgage solutions for company directors based in & outside the UK.
  • Mortgage finance from £250,000
  • Market leading rates
  • Access to high street, private & specialist bank mortgage deals
  • Up to 95% loan to value (residential mortgages)
  • Up to 80% loan to value (buy to let mortgages)
  • Interest only, interest roll up and offset mortgage options
  • Revolving mortgage options - unlock the equity in your main home & access funds whenever you need to
  • We can help if you have complex income e.g. from multiple directorships, income from multiple currencies, offshore trust or family trust arrangements, bonus & dividend income
  • Solutions for UK expats, non-dom & foreign nationals buying or remortgaging UK property
  • Fast professional service. We understand that sometimes finance needs to be arranged quickly!
  • If you have assets that you would like to be leveraged as part of the transaction such as your investment portfolio, other property or pensions; our team can look at leveraging these assets to negotiate more flexible lending criteria and more favourable interest rates, to help you get the best deal

Mortgage Rates Snapshot

2 Year Tracker

Up To £5m

4.94% APR

2 Year Tracker

Subsequent rate 6.99%

LTV - 60%

APRC 8.4%*

Product Fee £999

Free standard valuation

Early redemption charges

As of 10th January 2024

5 Year Fixed

Up To £1.5m

3.89% APR

5 Year Fixed (Remortgage)

Subsequent rate 6.25%

LTV - 60%

APRC 6.1%*

Product Fee £999

Early redemption charges

As of 10th January 2024

2 Year Fixed

Up To £1.5m

4.44% APR

2 Year Fixed (Remortgage)

Subsequent rate 6.25%

LTV - 60%

APRC 6.1%*

Product Fee £999

Early redemption charges

As of 10th January 2024

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Thank You for your interest - please complete the form below and a member of our team will be in contact.

*Overall Cost For Comparison

Through our market knowledge we can deliver enhanced, bespoke or exclusive terms.  
Call us on 0203 900 4322 to discuss your requirements. 

Mortgages for Company Directors - How it Works

Being a company director comes with many perks; the potential for high earnings, and the freedom to run your business as you see fit. However, it can also come with challenges when applying for a mortgage.

With fluctuating dividends and retained profits replacing a regular salary, proving your income to lenders isn't always straightforward. Fortunately, specialist mortgage brokers like Clifton Private Finance understand the intricacies of limited company finances and can match you with appropriate lenders, and guide you through your application.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about getting a mortgage as a company director, including how to use company profits as income on your mortgage application.

With the right broker advice from experts like us, you can secure the funding you need to buy your dream home or investment property.

Case Study: Read our case study below on how our clients used their limited company profits to secure a £650k mortgage

Mortgages for company directors: how to use company profit to get the loan you need

How it Works
Eligibility Criteria
How Affordability is Calculated
How do Interest Rates for Directors Compare
Proving Your Income
Choosing the Right Lender
Streamlining the Remortgaging Process
How We Can Help

Meeting the Eligibility Criteria for a Company Director Mortgage

While criteria varies between lenders, there are a few key requirements you'll need to meet:

  • Time trading - Most lenders prefer your company to have been operating for 2-3 years. However, specialist lenders can help if you've been trading for less time. Our advisors have access to these more flexible providers.
  • Deposit - A minimum 5% deposit is required, but 15%+ gives greater lender choice and better rates. We can match you to deals at any deposit level.
  • Credit history - Your personal credit file will be checked. Bad credit mortgages are available but limited. Our brokers are skilled at finding solutions even with credit issues.
  • Property type - Standard construction homes are lower risk. Mortgages for non-standard builds may be restricted. We'll search high and low for the right lender for your property.
  • Shareholdings - Lenders can consider salary and dividends if shareholding exceeds 50%. For joint applications totalling 50%, shared net profits will also be considered. We'll ensure your full income is factored in.

Get in touch today to discuss your specific circumstances and benefit from our expertise. 

How Affordability is Calculated

Affordability is calculated by assessing your company's financials. Unfortunately, many high street lenders take a one-size-fits-all approach:

  • Using only basic salary to calculate affordability
  • Not factoring in dividends, retained profits, etc.
  • Taking an average of the last 2-3 years' earnings

This can drastically underestimate what you can actually afford to borrow. The solution? Finding an experienced specialist broker like Clifton Private Finance.

We deeply understand complex limited company finances and will match you with flexible lenders who'll maximise your borrowing capacity by:

  • Reviewing 3 years of accounts but being flexible with less
  • Including dividends, retained profits, etc.
  • Using more than just basic salary
  • Offering deals for new companies

As leading experts in director mortgages, we have access to these innovative lenders.

Get in touch today to see how much you could potentially borrow. 

How do interest rates for directors compare to regular mortgages?

Interest rates are largely similar between standard mortgages and those for company directors. The key factors that influence rate offers are your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and credit history - the lower the LTV and stronger your credit score, the better chance of being offered the most competitive rates.

As a director, having a larger deposit and impeccable credit file will help secure the lowest rates on the market. 

Proving Your Income for a Company Director Mortgage

As a director, you'll need to provide documentation to prove your income, such as:

  • Payslips - Showing salary payments
  • Dividend vouchers - Providing dividend details
  • SA302 tax calculation - Issued by HMRC
  • Company accounts - Usually covering last 2-3 years

A specialist broker will tell you exactly what documents you'll need for the lenders they recommend. They can also help explain how retained profits can be considered by some lenders.

Get matched with an expert advisor today for personalised guidance on evidencing your income.

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Choosing the Right Lender for Company Director Mortgages

Not all lenders are created equal when it comes to mortgages for directors.

Building society and high street lenders often impose strict criteria. For maximum choice, we recommend considering:

  • Specialist lenders that understand limited company finances better
  • Challenger banks with more innovative lending criteria
  • Private banks that can cater to high net worth individuals

In addition, look for lenders who will:

  • Be flexible on the years of accounts they look at
  • Factor in dividends, retained profits, etc
  • Use more than just basic salary for affordability
  • Offer deals for those trading for under 2 years

A specialist broker has access to these flexible lenders and can match you to the right products for your needs. 

Streamlining the Remortgaging Process

If you initially took out your mortgage as an employee and have since become a director, remortgaging with your new income structure can seem daunting.

The good news is, by partnering with a broker who specialises in self-employed mortgages, they can liaise with lenders on your behalf to:

  • Explain your change in income status
  • Provide required documents like accounts and SA302s
  • Match you to products suitable for directors

This removes friction from the process by dealing with the right lenders from the start. Contact our advisors to kick start your remortgage application today. 

Ready to Apply for a Company Director’s Mortgage? We Can Help.

As you can see, getting a mortgage as a company director is very achievable with the right advice. Our broker partners have decades of combined experience and can guide you through the process with ease.

Here's how we can help:

  • Understand your situation - We'll learn about your unique circumstances
  • Recommend suitable lenders - And products to match your needs
  • Optimise affordability - And maximise how much you can borrow
  • Provide expert support - And handle applications from start to finish

Securing a mortgage doesn't have to be difficult, even if you run your own company.

Get in touch today and we'll match you with an advisor who can make it a smooth, stress-free process.

Call us on 0117 959 5094 to discuss your requirements, or book a free consultation below. 


What types of properties can I get a mortgage on as a director?

The majority of lenders will offer mortgages for standard residential purchase and remortgage applications, meaning you can get a director's mortgage for houses, flats, apartments, studios and more. Additionally, some lenders may consider buy-to-let properties as well as commercial premises if you run your business from the same address. A specialist broker will be able to advise if your chosen property type fits the criteria of lenders they recommend.

Can I get a joint mortgage with my spouse if they aren't a director?

Absolutely - joint mortgage applications are very common, even when only one applicant is a company director. In these cases, the lender will take into account the director's income from the company as well as any employed income from the spouse. Certain lenders may require the non-director spouse to be named on the company paperwork too. A broker experienced in joint applications will guide you on what income can be considered from each party.

What criteria do lenders use to assess directors with less than 2 years' experience?

For fledgling directors, lenders will look at factors like your prior industry experience, average contract lengths, and forecasted earnings and whether you've previously traded personally or as a different company. Evidence of a clear pathway into your directorship can help demonstrate income sustainability.

An expert broker will advise the best ways to present your experience to lenders.

How do lenders view directors with multiple sources of income?

Having multiple income sources from your company can work in your favour, as it shows greater financial stability. The key is to make sure your broker captures all your different incomes from salaries, dividends, retained profits etc across the applications so that the full picture is presented for affordability assessment.

Can I get a director mortgage if I have existing debts?

Yes, it is possible to get a mortgage as a director even with existing debts like loans or credit cards. The key factor will be your total debt-to-income ratio, assessing your debts alongside income and existing mortgage payments to determine overall affordability. A specialist broker will help optimise this for lender requirements.

Are there specific lenders that cater to directors?

There are a handful of lenders that specialise specifically in limited company and self-employed mortgages. Your broker will be familiar with these and able to recommend the most suitable ones based on your circumstances.

Going via a broker rather than directly to a lender can help match you to the right products.

How do I explain irregular income patterns on applications?

As a director, fluctuating income from dividends and retained profits may seem complex to convey in applications. An experienced specialist broker will work with you to present your full financial picture across salaries, dividends, profits and other incomes in the optimal way to highlight affordability for lenders.


Get in Touch

If you have any questions about our services or want to start making things happen please contact us