
Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing

Finance Solutions for Transport & Logistics

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Transport Logistics Finance

Clifton private finance

We specialise in sourcing Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing options in the UK

We provide high-quality Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing solutions for UK clients.
  • Transport & Logistics Finance from £25,000
  • Repayment periods geared to the economic life of the asset
  • Finance available on new, used and auction-bought items
  • No asset age limit
  • Great way to fund large machine or asset purchases
  • Refinance existing assets to free up your company's liquid capital
  • Cashflow matched repayments

We can deliver enhanced, bespoke or exclusive terms through our market knowledge.  
Call us on 0203 900 4322 to discuss your requirements.

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Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing - How It Works

What is Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing is a type of asset finance that allows businesses in the transport and logistics industry to acquire the vehicles, equipment, and machinery they need to operate efficiently and competitively.

Transport and logistics businesses often require specialised and expensive assets, such as trucks, trailers, forklifts, cranes, and warehouse systems. These assets can be difficult to purchase outright, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that may have limited cash flow or working capital.

By using Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing, businesses can spread the cost of acquiring these assets over a fixed period of time, typically ranging from 12 to 60 months. This can help them preserve their cash flow, improve their liquidity, and avoid the risks of depreciation and obsolescence.

Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing can also offer tax benefits, as the monthly payments can be deducted from the taxable income of the business. Additionally, some types of Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing can allow the business to claim capital allowances on the assets, reducing their tax liability further.

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What types of finance are available for Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

There are two main types of finance available for Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing: hire purchase and finance lease.

Hire purchase

Hire purchase is a type of Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing that gives the business the option to own the asset at the end of the agreement. The business pays a fixed monthly instalment to the lender, which includes interest and a portion of the capital. At the end of the term, the business can pay a final balloon payment to acquire full ownership of the asset, or return it to the lender.

Hire purchase is suitable for businesses that want to eventually own the asset and benefit from its residual value. It also allows the business to claim capital allowances on the asset, as they are considered the legal owner of the asset from the start of the agreement. However, hire purchase also means that the business is responsible for the maintenance and insurance of the asset, and that they bear the risk of depreciation and obsolescence.

Finance lease

Finance lease is a type of Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing that gives the business the right to use the asset for a fixed period of time, but not the option to own it. The business pays a fixed monthly rental to the lender, which covers the interest and the depreciation of the asset. At the end of the term, the business can either return the asset to the lender, extend the lease, or sell the asset to a third party and retain a percentage of the proceeds.

Finance lease is suitable for businesses that want to use the asset without the hassle of ownership and disposal. It also allows the business to deduct the full amount of the rental payments from their taxable income, as they are considered the economic owner of the asset. However, finance lease also means that the business cannot claim capital allowances on the asset, and that they may have to pay a higher rental than hire purchase, as they do not contribute to the capital of the asset.

How does it work?

The process of obtaining Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing is relatively simple and straightforward. Here are the typical steps involved:

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What are the benefits of Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

Are there any drawbacks?


What are the eligibility criteria for Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

The eligibility criteria may vary depending on the type of finance, the lender, and the asset. However, some general factors that lenders may consider are: the business’s turnover, profitability, cash flow, credit history, trading history, and the value and condition of the asset.

What are the interest rates and fees for Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

The interest rates and fees may vary depending on the type of finance, the lender, and the asset. However, some factors that may affect the interest rates and fees are: the amount and term of the finance, the credit rating of the business, the market conditions, and the risk and residual value of the asset.

What are the tax implications of Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

The tax implications may vary depending on the type of finance, the business structure, and the accounting method. However, some general rules are: for hire purchase, the business can claim capital allowances on the asset and deduct the interest portion of the monthly instalments from their taxable income; for finance lease, the business can deduct the full amount of the monthly rentals from their taxable income, but cannot claim capital allowances on the asset. The business should always consult a professional tax adviser before making any decisions regarding their finances.

How we can help

In need of Transport & Logistics Finance & Leasing?

We can help you:

And when we’ve established the best type of finance for you, we will:

Call our team on 0203 900 4322 to discuss your requirements or book an appointment.


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Call us today to discuss your requirements on 0203 900 4322
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